Jenny – 2017
‘I really love how caring, reassuring and understanding Network Artist Management are.’
‘I really love how caring, reassuring and understanding Network Artist Management are.’
‘I love the range of castings I get sent as it has helped me develop my skills in other areas besides dancing!’
‘NAM is truly an agency where your voice will always be heard; if I ever need help or have questions they’re always there for me.’
‘It is not only wonderful to have someone like Tabitha as my agent, but also as a friend!’
‘NAM made me feel so welcomed and supported from the get go. I always feel listened to and able to open a conversation about anything!’
‘Tabitha is always so efficient, and an incredibly reliable agent!’
‘Tabitha is always a voice note away with words of encouragement and advice!’
‘Always great communication, listens to what I need and advice is always there, if needed. Just the best!’
‘I love how Network Artist Management makes me feel encouraged, respected, and truly looked after.’